Product: CAPA
Description: Caprolactone for high performance polyurethanes, elastomers and adhesives improves resistance to chemicals, physical strength, adhesion and flexibility of the product
Detail: Polyols suitable in both solvent and water systems for use in partial substitution of the resin used.
Product: BOLTORN
Description: liquid polymer liquid used as additives in partial substitution of conventional cross-linking agents or polyols in order to increase product performance (resistance to abrasion, chemical and physical agents…).
Detail: In construction products it allows the incorporation of water up to 15% substituting the solvent (VOC)
Product: Ymer
Description: polymer used as a non-ionic stabiliser in water-based resins (polyurethane, alkyd and polyester dispersions.
Detail: It increases stability at low temperatures and tolerance to electrolytes with low pH values
Product: CHARMOR
Description: polyols used in intumescent paints for fire protection